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LydstoLydsto Robot Vacuum Mop R1 Edge
5000Pa strong suction, clean without dead ends Delta-2C-PRO new generation lidar, 360 omnidirectional scanning 6Hz scanning frequency sampling, 4000 times/second measurement frequency ZERO DROP: 3 ground detection sensors, 8cm cliff does not fall Automatically returns to charging when the battery level is below 15% 2.5L self-sealing garbage bag, 30 days free to change0 349349RUB349RUB

Lydsto Robot Vacuum Mop R1 Edge в Нальчике
5000Pa strong suction, clean without dead ends Delta-2C-PRO new generation lidar, 360 omnidirectional scanning 6Hz scanning frequency sampling, 4000 times/second measurement frequency ZERO DROP: 3 ground detection sensors, 8cm cliff does not fall Automatically returns to charging when the battery level is below 15% 2.5L self-sealing garbage bag, 30 days free to change
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